
The CNIPA Hosted the 14th BRICS Intellectual Property Office Director Video Conference

October 24, 2022

On September 15, the 14th BRICS Intellectual Property Office Director Conference hosted by the CNIPA was held in video format. The conference was chaired by SHEN Changyu, director of the CNIPA. Claudio Fetado, director of the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), Yuri Zubov, director of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Unat Pandit, director of the General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks, and Roy Waller, director of the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office, led delegations to the conference. DENG Hongsen, director general of the WIPO, delivered a video speech, WANG Binying, deputy director general, and Edward Kwakwa, assistant director general, attended the conference as special guests.

In the conference, five directors of patent offices of BRICS jointly approved the updating of Framework for BRICS IPR Cooperation Operation Guidelines. The updated document included "Intellectual Property Supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations" in the cooperation goals, and incorporated digital technology, intellectual property protection and management into future cooperation, and the cooperation mechanism was further improved.

The conference reviewed the progress of work in 8 cooperation areas of 5 patent offices of BRICS, and approved several achievements such as the Comparative Study Report on the Artificial Intelligence Review Rules of the 5 Patent Offices of BRICS, the Comparative Study Report on the Design View Submission Requirements of the 5 Patent Offices of BRICS, and the Comparison Manual on the Trademark Application and Review Procedures of the 5 Patent Offices of BRICS.

(Source: Official Wechat of the CNIPA)

