
WIPO 2018 Patent, Trademark and Industrial Design Statistics Found China with Strong Growth

April 19, 2019

WIPO published the statistics of the international registration of Patents, Trademarks and Industrial Designs in 2018 on this March 18.


In 2018, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications had exceeded the record of 250,000 (253,000), up 3.9% over 2017; the Madrid System had accepted 61,200 international trademark applications, up 6.4%; the applications for the Hague System for Industrial Designs had increased to 5,404, up 3.7%.


More than half of the PCT applications in 2018 were from Asia, and those from China, India and South Korea had surged significantly.


China continues the strong performance with a total of 53,345 PCT applications filed in 2018, immediately after the United States (56,142), maintaining its second position in the world. In terms of Madrid trademark system, China ranked third, with 6,900 applications filed, after the United States and Germany.


 (Source: WIPO China)

