
“Guideline for Copyright Administrative Complaint” Issued

June 7, 2006
National Copyright Administration of the PRC issued “Guideline for Copyright Administrative Complaint” on April 28, providing directions for copyright owners and obligees relating to copyright on approaches to complain with the administrative organ and facilitating the relevant departments to deal with copyright disputes effectively.

Based on the relevant rules and regulations of Administrative Punishment Law, Copyright Law and Implementing Regulations of Administrative Punishment for Copyright Infringement, guideline for copyright administrative complaint is divided into eight parts and about 1600 words totally, giving clear and specific instructions to the organs for accepting complaint, scopes of complaint, valid period for making complaint, and documents required for complaint. The English version is attached as well. The guideline for copyright administrative is highly practical in providing directions for copyright owners seeking protection. Its issuance is a practical action for implementing of intellectual property protection strategy.

