
Shaojuan Chen

Partner/Attorney at Law

Practice Area:  Intellectual PropertyDispute Resolution /Legal Consultant for Corporations

Tel: 86-21-61703260 E-mail: 86-21-61703260   Office: Shanghai

Professional Experience

Prior to joining Unitalen,Ms. Chen’s professional experience covered bothlaw firm practice and legal counsel for corporation. As an in-house counsel of a listed company, Ms. Chenhas accumulated extensive experience in compliance and contract review. Since 2012, Ms. Chen has been practicing in Unitalen and has handled a large number ofintellectual property civil and administrative cases, two of which were selected as the Top 10 Cases on Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights by Shanghai Courts in 2014 and 2017.Her non-litigation practice includes review and negotiation oftechnical license/assignment agreement, formulation of intellectual property management system/policy,administrative complaints, customs protection of intellectual property rights, intellectual property rights at exhibitions, Domain Name disputes, etc.

Education Background

East China University of Political Science and Law, Bachelor of Laws
East China University of Political Science and Law, Master of Laws

Professional Qualification: 

Theexternal vocational guidance teacherin Shanghai UniversityLaw School
Thepart-time professor in Sino-European School of Intellectual PropertyofShanghai InstituteofTechnology (SESIP)
Intellectual Property Law Research Association of Shanghai Law Society,Member
Shanghai Intellectual Property Institute, Member


1.On the Laches Defense in Intellectual Property Infringement, China Intellectual Property Magazine (March, 2020)
2.The Protection on the Trade Name of Overseas Enterpriseunderthe Anti-Unfair Competition Law, China Trademark Magazine (vol.12,2013)
3.On the Protection of the Merchandising right of Fictional Characters, China Industry and Commerce Daily (January 24, 2013)

Working Language

Chinese English